Social Enterprise

LoveLuvo is a retail social enterprise based in Seddon, Victoria. We stock vegan eco-friendly body care products, cruelty free skincare, and bath products, and sustainable home products that are locally sourced and fair-trade.

LoveLuvo was created by Westgate Community Initiatives Group Ltd in 2011 to provide sustainable, paid employment opportunities for people who experience barriers to finding a job, giving an opportunity to build skills and confidence in a supportive work environment.

Our commitment to the community stems from LoveLuvo’s central ethos: The good you do comes back to you.

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Impact 22/23 Financial Year

The impact of Covid-19 was felt through our store in Seddon having to close and reopen in line with business lockdowns.

Like many retail businesses, our income was reduced by these health measures and this pressure was also felt by LoveLuvo.

Throughout these disruptions, however, we continued to keep our staff employed and make our impacts felt thanks to the support of our amazing customers.



LoveLuvo continues to provide employment for people facing barriers to finding and keeping a job.

  • 1320
    Hours of paid employment to staff with barriers to employment
  • +34K
    Award wages paid to staff with barriers to employment
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LoveLuvo prioritises sourcing our vegan and cruelty free products from local businesses and those who create impact socially and environmentally. The products we sell are chosen because they benefit our community, the environment and increase the awareness of social enterprise. We continue to look to create positive partnerships with businesses that share our passion for making a difference.

By sourcing these types of products, we financially contribute businesses that positively impact our local community.

  • $144,376
    Local Business
  • $69,095
    Spent with businesses that create impact
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As part of our commitment to help reduce waste and provide the community with an avenue to participate in this change, we offer a refill service in our store and environmentally friendly refillable products. LoveLuvo have been an innovator in this area by being one of the first businesses in Melbourne to offer this service.

The refill service has enabled our customers to play a part in making in making a difference by reusing plastic packaging and saving bottles from entering landfill. We estimate that the equivalent to 6684 bottles (500ml) have been saved in this process this financial year.

  • 3342
    Refill Litres
  • 6684
    Approx bottles saved from landfill (based on 500ml bottles)
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Meet Jarrod

Jarrod had found himself continually overlooked for paid positions after being an unpaid volunteer at a large Australian charity for a long period. Having speech and hearing challenges, as Jarrod does, can make things like job interviews and customer-facing roles seem almost impossible. Jarrod didn’t let that knock his confidence – indeed, after progressing in his role with us, he now works and speaks with both staff and customers on a regular basis.

Overall, he’s noticed that alongside his communication having improved massively, the increase in income has inspired him to begin learning about money management and begin saving towards financial goals which include buying a house. There have been many other benefits too – he doesn’t have to travel so far to work anymore, he’s been able to complete a number of relevant courses to help improve his employment options, and he’s become used to working as part of a team.

With so many big steps already taken, we’re sure we’ll be hearing about lots more positive outcomes for Jarrod before long.


Are you looking for a way for your business to add value to the community and your customers?

LoveLuvo offers a range of options to boost your CSR impact by providing cleaning products, hand and body wash, hair care and even corporate gifts! 100% of profits from LoveLuvo go to funding disability employment, education and training programs to improve lives.

We are a certified Social Enterprise, created and operated by WCIG, who are a registered Australian Charity.

Our Certifications

Social enterprises are businesses that intentionally trade to tackle social problems, improve communities, provide people with access to employment and training, or help the environment.

Social Traders certification assures stakeholders that a social enterprise has a social, cultural or environmental purpose as its primary objective; that a substantial portion of an enterprise’s revenue is derived from commercial trade, and that the majority of the organisation’s efforts and resources are invested into achieving a social purpose.

LoveLuvo is also a member of Social Enterprise Network Victoria (SENVIC).